1. DeepDream


Implements the DeepDream image processing algorithm:
  1. Start from an input image
  2. Use the final layer of an inception network
  3. Operator to maximize RMS signal
  4. Single resolution

Code from DeepDream.scala:60 executed in 0.00 seconds (0.000 gc):

      implicit val _ = log
      // First, basic configuration so we publish to our s3 site
      log.onComplete(() => upload(log): Unit)
      // Fetch input image (user upload prompt)
      ImageArtUtil.load(log, contentUrl, resolution)
      val canvas = new AtomicReference[Tensor](null)
      // Execute the main process while registered with the site index
      val registration = registerWithIndexJPG(canvas.get())
      try {
        // In contrast to other uses, in this painting operation we are enhancing
        // an input image (content) only, with no other inputs or canvas preparation.
        withMonitoredJpg(() => canvas.get().toImage) {
          paint(contentUrl, contentUrl, canvas, new VisualStyleNetwork(
            styleLayers = List(
              // DeepDream traditionally uses the last layer of a network
            styleModifiers = List(
              // This operator increases the RMS power of any signal
              new ChannelPowerEnhancer()
            styleUrl = List(contentUrl)
          ), new BasicOptimizer {
            override val trainingMinutes: Int = 120
            override val trainingIterations: Int = 100
            override val maxRate = 1e9
          }, new GeometricSequence {
            override val min: Double = resolution
            override val max: Double = resolution
            override val steps = 1
          }.toStream.map(_.round.toDouble): _*)
      } finally {
        registration.foreach(_.stop()(s3client, ec2client))



Iteration 1 Iteration 1

Iteration 2 Iteration 2

Iteration 3 Iteration 3

Iteration 4 Iteration 4

Iteration 5 Iteration 5

Iteration 10 Iteration 10

Iteration 15 Iteration 15

Iteration 20 Iteration 20

Iteration 25 Iteration 25

Iteration 30 Iteration 30

Iteration 35 Iteration 35

Iteration 40 Iteration 40

Iteration 45 Iteration 45

Iteration 50 Iteration 50

Iteration 55 Iteration 55

Iteration 60 Iteration 60

Iteration 65 Iteration 65

Iteration 70 Iteration 70

Iteration 75 Iteration 75

Code from BasicOptimizer.scala:75 executed in 7226.49 seconds (629.387 gc):

    val lineSearchInstance: LineSearchStrategy = lineSearchFactory
      .setMonitor(new TrainingMonitor() {
        override def clear(): Unit = trainingMonitor.clear()
        override def log(msg: String): Unit = trainingMonitor.log(msg)
        override def onStepFail(currentPoint: Step): Boolean = {
          BasicOptimizer.this.onStepFail(trainable, currentPoint)
        override def onStepComplete(currentPoint: Step): Unit = {
          if (0 < logEvery && (0 == currentPoint.iteration % logEvery || currentPoint.iteration < logEvery)) {
            val image = currentImage
            timelineAnimation += image
            val caption = "Iteration " + currentPoint.iteration
            out.p(caption + "\n" + out.jpg(image, caption))
          BasicOptimizer.this.onStepComplete(trainable, currentPoint)
      .setTimeout(trainingMinutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
      .setLineSearchFactory((_: CharSequence) => lineSearchInstance)


    Reset training subject: 970856626177600
    Reset training subject: 970883175103400
    Adding measurement 441fbe89 to history. Total: 0
    LBFGS Accumulation History: 1 points
    Constructing line search parameters: GD+Trust
    New Minimum: -1.0268817260395504 > -1.0268826572015477
    WOLFE (weak): th(2.154434690031884)=-1.0268826572015477; dx=-2.3744875988820997E-6 evalInputDelta=9.311619972862673E-7
    New Minimum: -1.0268826572015477 > -1.0268853841759686
    WOLFE (weak): th(4.308869380063768)=-1.0268853841759686; dx=-2.3745165110185515E-6 evalInputDelta=3.658136418227542E-6
    New Minimum: -1.0268853841759686 > -1.0268962255620808
    WOLFE (weak): th(12.926608140191302)=-1.0268962255620808; dx=-2.374616718452966E-6 evalInputDelta=1.4499522530408981E-5
    New Minimum: -1.0268962255620808 > -1.0269407883148114
    WOLFE (weak): th(51.70643256076521)=-1.0269407883148114; dx=-2.3748749234290426E-6 evalInputDelta=5.906227526097929E-5
    New Minimum: -1.0269407883148114 > -1.0271777690431394
    WOLFE (weak): th(258.53216280382605)=-1.0271777690431394; dx=-2.3738544154182494E-6 evalInputDelta=2.9604300358898605E-4
    New Minimum: -1.0271777690431394 > -1.0286627728942133
    WOLFE (weak): th(1551.1929768229563)=-1.0286627728942133; dx=-2.3671452451520635E-6 evalInputDelta=0.0017810468546628488
    New Minimum: -1.0286627728942133 > -1.03957486080655
    WOLFE (weak): th(10858.350837760694)=-1.03957486080655; dx=-2.3877208614547036E-6 evalInputDelta=0.012693134766999625
    New Minimum: -1.03957486080655 > -1.1323104148202472
    WOLFE (weak): th(86866.80670208555)=-1.1323104148202472; dx=-2.178120190430501E-6 evalInputDelta=0.10542868878069678
    New Minimum: -1.1323104148202472 > -1.4744340982187705
    END: th(781801.26031877)=-1.4744340982187705; dx=-6.291438147340129E-7 evalInputDelta=0.44755237217922006
    Fitness changed from -1.0268817260395504 to -1.4744340982187705
    Iteration 1 complete. Error: -1.4744340982187705 Total: 303.8460; Orientation: 0.1546; Line Search: 228.2295
    <a id="p-10"></a>Iteration 1
    <a id

...skipping 67463 bytes...

    magnitude: 7.173e+03, gradient 7.231e-02, dot -0.668; [0f5d81a6-3a2f-43cd-aca0-d3f02e2fa404 = 1.000/1.000e+00]
    Orientation rejected. Popping history element from -675.0386854520332, -678.3813505706349, -697.7843913343651, -710.0871207372411
    LBFGS Accumulation History: 3 points
    Removed measurement 7893c715 to history. Total: 4
    Armijo: th(50222.231340893784)=-679.0977770337367; dx=5.947093191775028E-4 evalInputDelta=-30.989343703504346
    New Minimum: -710.0871207372411 > -712.2067051044044
    END: th(25111.115670446892)=-712.2067051044044; dx=-4.115521522324228E-4 evalInputDelta=2.11958436716327
    Fitness changed from -710.0871207372411 to -712.2067051044044
    Iteration 74 complete. Error: -712.2067051044044 Total: 93.9200; Orientation: 3.6842; Line Search: 67.4977
    Adding measurement 467af68c to history. Total: 3
    Rejected: LBFGS Orientation magnitude: 6.344e+03, gradient 8.836e-02, dot -0.561; [0f5d81a6-3a2f-43cd-aca0-d3f02e2fa404 = 1.000/1.000e+00]
    Orientation rejected. Popping history element from -678.3813505706349, -697.7843913343651, -710.0871207372411, -712.2067051044044
    LBFGS Accumulation History: 3 points
    Removed measurement 274bae2c to history. Total: 4
    Armijo: th(54100.25870581403)=-628.7564053453656; dx=0.0031041573007599943 evalInputDelta=-83.45029975903878
    Armijo: th(27050.129352907014)=-710.3858417627345; dx=0.001936742445806811 evalInputDelta=-1.8208633416699058
    New Minimum: -712.2067051044044 > -730.2359424469703
    END: th(9016.709784302338)=-730.2359424469703; dx=-0.0029060642817826127 evalInputDelta=18.02923734256592
    Fitness changed from -712.2067051044044 to -730.2359424469703
    Iteration 75 complete. Error: -730.2359424469703 Total: 114.4869; Orientation: 3.6810; Line Search: 88.9366
    <a id="p-46"></a>Iteration 75
    <a id="p-45"></a>![Iteration 75](etc/86931ac9-5b0c-421d-99f9-ab4637f1968a.jpg)
    Final threshold in iteration 75: -730.2359424469703 (> -Infinity) after 7226.478s (< 7200.000s)

